Dr. Darlene M. Davis Goodwine
Dr. Darlene M. Davis Goodwine
Who is Dr. Darlene M. Davis Goodwine?
Dr. Davis Goodwine (DMDG Resume/CV) has close to 20 years years of mental health experience treating psychotic, anxiety, mood, and related disorders. Her clinical experience includes providing individual and group therapy in various clinical settings, including but not limited to inpatient therapy with dual-diagnosis patients, inpatient and outpatient substance abuse treatment, and intensive individual outpatient therapy for youth, adolescents, and young adults with anxiety and mood symptoms.
Dr. Davis Goodwine firmly asserts that individuals want to be effective and successful in their lives. She believes you are equipped with the tools you need to achieve these goals and she is available to assist you in tapping into your strengths. As a licensed psychologist, she offers a supportive, non-judgmental therapeutic space to navigate life challenges and live the life you seek.
Academia and Research
Darlene M. Davis Goodwine, PhD research interests include academic functioning in young adults with repetitive negative thinking styles, the exploration of phenomenological factors specific to youth and young adults with OCD, psychometric properties of commonly used assessment tools assessing OCD and anxiety disorders in African Americans, poverty and academic functioning, adapting evidence-based practices to meet the clinical needs of Black Americans, and culturally relevant factors in clinical supervision of mental health professionals. She completed her dissertation on repetitive negative thinking styles, psychological risk/resilience, and academic functioning among low-income college students. As a doctoral-level research assistant, Dr. Davis Goodwine worked in the Center for Mental Health Disparities under the mentorship of Dr. L. Kevin Chapman and Dr. Monicca Williams, and the Thought Lab under Dr. Richard Lewine. As a graduate fellow, she worked under the mentorship of Dr. Monnica Williams, publishing articles on young adults with OCD and academic functioning, OCD and culture, OCD-related family factors, and the validity of OCD assessment tools in diverse populations. She completed her internship year and postdoctoral training at the John D. Dingell VA Medical Center in Detroit, MI serving veterans. Dr. Davis Goodwine has presented award-winning research posters and conference talks at national conferences, lectured in undergraduate and graduate psychology courses, facilitated psychology-related community talks, and served on community and professional diversity and mental health committees promoting cultural responsiveness, access to mental health information, and advocacy efforts to tackle the stigma associated with mental illness.
Anxiety and Depression
Dr. Davis Goodwine is skilled in adapting evidence-based intervention designed to treat anxiety and depression to incorporate culturally relevant aspects of psychotherapy, including but not limited to cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and interpersonal therapy. She has a wealth of experience in assessing risk and providing services for youth, young adults, and adults exhibiting self-harm behaviors, suicidal ideation, and homicidal/suicidal behaviors. Her treatment of mood symptoms, impulse control, and substance use disorders span over ten years of experience. She is also experienced in providing telehealth/virtual individual and group services.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Dr. Davis Goodwine specializes in the treatment of OCD and related disorders in children, adolescents, and adults using empirically-supported cognitive-behavioral techniques, including exposure and ritual prevention (Ex/RP). She completed her OCD training at the Center for Mental Health Disparities-University of Louisville, Louisville OCD Clinic (adolescents/parents of adolescents, young adults, and adults), and the University of Pennsylvania (youth and adolescents). She has published works on culture and OCD and the validity of OCD assessment tools in Black Americans.
Parenting Challenges
Dr. Davis Goodwine is the founder of Parents Zone, LLC, a resource, support, and coaching service for parents and caregivers. She promotes Compassionate Parenting, a framework that centers relationship-focused parenting practices in response to common parenting challenges (e.g., emotional, behavioral, discipline) and daily hassles with and emphasis on sensitivity, love, and self-compassion. As parents practice Compassionate Parenting in their daily experiences, they gain they are more likely to experience relief from parenting stress, parenting guilt, and self-judgments. Dr. Davis Goodwine’s motto is “Parenting is about PRACTICE not PERFECTION".
Racial Stress and Trauma
Dr. Davis Goodwine specializes in culturally adapting evidence-based practices to address racial stress and trauma in Black Americans. Her experience also entails facilitating difficult discussions dealing with social injustice, racial identity development in youth, mental health disparities, colorism, and racism in academic, clinical, and community settings. She has researched and written on mental health disparities in the Black community and other underrepresented populations.
Dr. Davis Goodwine also serves on the HEART (Healing Emotional and Racial Trauma) Board, a network-based in Louisville, KY that promotes accessibility to Black mental health professionals skilled in culturally responsive therapy and the treatment of race-based trauma and other disorder. She is passionate about the healing of the Black community, especially during this socially tumultuous period in time. She continues to seek opportunities to improve access and remove barriers to mental health resources and evidence-based, quality psychological treatment for individuals who are underrepresented and reside in underserviced areas.
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